Catch of the Week 19th July and the Emerald Piglets Trot Home

Dear Wonderful People,

How are you? How has this week been? Wow, is Summer really here? Sunshine and heat have returned, the harvest has begun and the interminable road closure is over (for now!). The road closure stems the flow of cash so much, so thank goodness for you our amazing supporters for navigating to us all.

On Sunday just as the weather turned, 7 plucky Emerald piglets trotted to glory, one little piggy escaping from the pack and sprinting home coming 4th in the annual mud race for East Anglian Children’s Hospice.

While it was 1 hours 10 mins of fun with thrills and spills there was one huge team supporting a child undergoing treatment. They simply brought home to us how all around there are people making the absolute best of their trials. We’ve raised nearly £500 on and off line so, if you are minded, please head HERE or leave a donation in the shop.

Back to the here and now:

Tomorrow, Sat 20th, Patron Paella, a Spanish duo from Norwich don’t hold that against them either, bring us unctuous, yummy paella. They have a great reputation having honed their craft cooking on boats off the Catalonian coast.

Next week, Sat 27th SmokeBox BBQ are bringing us delicious steak with chimchuri, pork belly and halloumi served with flatbreads.

In the fish department, Sardine Season has begun. Mike has a stunning line up of fish with wonderful sardines, enormous crabs, lovely Suffolk samphire and, please don't forget, sardines. In the shop we have agretti a.k.a. monks beard that makes a great summer salad and goes well with fish.

Oh and also, the Barn Café have lovely mackerel pâté on the menu.

So with no more to do here is the catch of the week:

Butley & a Secret Location:

Oysters, Samphire


Bass, Cod, Hake, Brill, Plaice, John Dory, Mackerel, Monkfish, Sardines


Lobsters, Sea Trout


Haddock, Prawns, Kippers, Mackerel

If you’d like anything added to your order do please let us know using your preferred methods.

Meantime dear people, stay safe and we look forwards to welcoming you to your favourite foodie haven.

Masses of love,

Will and Team GF


Parsley Root and Sole - Catch of the Week 30th August


Our heroine India Knight - Catch of the Week 12 July