5th July, Chicken Drama and return of the Emerald Piglets

Good Morning Fabulous Folk,

How are you? As the election draws to a close, as the summer tries to re-establish itself, as our nails recover from the England match only to be ready for another nail-biter tomorrow, it’s new balls please in the shop. Or should I say sausage roll crisis. Our delightful, creative chef Hannah has called time to move on. As one door closes a new opportunity for someone else is now open. And then from crisis to tragedy in the back yard, the fox has taken our final hen and left three chicks which the children are trying to catch before the crows. So, in a nutshell, all not exactly well but rest assured, we will carry on with chickens and cooking.

A quick running order:

Today, Friday Mel and Boudicca roll in for plastic free shopping heaven 11am to 1pm ish.

And for Saturday’s food on the Meadow, 11.30 to 3pm, Grange Farm Kitchen has gone chicken wing-tastic, Hannah has produced some truly innovative and delicious recipes, we’ve all been eagerly hanging around the kitchen hoping to get the latest tasters as she works on perfecting them.

And next Tuesday and Thursday at 0915, Feel Good Fitness with George on the meadow continues. The first sessions began this week, and I have to say it’s a real tonic, so convivial and you really do feel good during and after. Read more HERE and sign up by texting George on 07548059058.

On Sunday 14th Grange Farm’s own team of runners, the Emerald Piglets, return to race over obstacles through mud and water and once again demonstrate their grit and determination to raise money for the East Anglian Children’s Hospice. Last year we were praised for having raised the most funds and this year we hope to do the same. Click EMERALD PIGLETS to support.

And now to the fish, A Passion for Seafood is back for a full week with a full stock, hooray! Annabel cooked fantastic Bass last week based on an Asian style recipe from the late great Australian chef, Bill Granger. I'll try and wrestle the recipe from her and put it somewhere HERE

Scottish: Cod, Hake, Lemon sole, Plaice, Sea Trout, Langoustine, Lobsters , Cornish:, Bass, Monkfish, Brill, Mackerel

Felixstowe & Butley: Oysters, Dressed Crab

Smoked:  Haddock, Trout, Prawns, Kippers

If you’d like anything added to you order, you know what to do.

Meantime we look forwards to welcoming you to your favourite foodie haven.

Stay safe beautiful people.

Masses of love,

Will and Team GF


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