Happy Summer Solstice, Friday 21st June 2024

Good Morning Wonderful People,

Happy Suffolk Day! How are you? Are we in for a scorcher? Can we cope with the hope of heat? Shall we lay a wager? Probably not!

As we pass, and some of us swim, through the Solstice we can look forwards to the fruits of the summer; Glastonbury, Wimbledon, some football so I’m told (isn’t football played in Autumn?), gooseberries, loganberries, plums and the forthcoming harvest, not to mention the Summer Hols.

On our immediate horizon, at 11am on Friday 21st the marvelous Mel rolls in with Boudicca bringing us refill joy.

Next Sat, 29th, 11 to 3pm the delightful Jeong-Un will be with us for Korean Kitchen kimchi craziness.

And then on Sat 6th of July Grange Farm Kitchen takes to the meadow with Hannah serving up a storm.

Sorry Hannah, Jeong-Un and Mel…now for something really exciting, or at least if you would like to get fitter and healthier and love doing it outside. From the first week in July, dates to be confirmed, you’ll be able to come to feel-good fitness classes on the Meadow run by George Howard. George is a personal trainer and friend of Grange Farm Shop, and we're excited to welcome him on this new venture. There should be something for everybody and George is expert in tailoring exercise to fit your needs. To find out more let us know or better, send a whatsapp to George direct on +447548 059058. Meantime we’ll let you know dates and timings as soon as we can.

Inspired by George and his enthusiasm for fitness in the great outdoors, the Emerald Piglets have reassembled in time for the 2024 Junior Hog mud run on Sunday 14th July. We were overwhelmed by your support last year, and will be sending out further information soon on how you can sponser us this year if you wish to do so.

I’m hoping the above will keep you happy while we weather the absence of Suffolk’s favourite fishmonger who is taking a well deserved break.

So, whether you’d like to add some food to your order, reserve some Korean Kitchen delights in advance of next weekend, or book in some feel good fitness, you know the drill; email, ring, shout, send messengers or indeed turn up in person.

Stays safe beautiful people and we look forwards to welcoming you to your favourite foodie haven.

Here’s hoping the relevant yous had wonderful Father’s Days.

Masses of love,

Will and Team GF

Photograph: Aldeburgh Solstice Sunrise courtesy of Charlotte MacDowell who swam there! June 20 2024


Warm Weather Meals, Fitness on the Meadow - 27th June 2024


Catch of the Week 14th June - Suffolk Fried Chicken on the Meadow